Bridget Coila
Bridget Coila specializes in health, nutrition, pregnancy, pets, and parenting topics. Her articles have appeared in Oxygen, American Fitness, and on various websites. Coila has a Bachelor of Science in cell and molecular biology from the University of Cincinnati and more than 10 years of medical research experience.
Authored by Bridget Coila
All content on this page has been medically reviewed for accuracy by a qualified medical professional.
Medically Reviewed
Grief is the emotional state experienced after a major loss. When the loss involves the death of a loved one,…
All content on this page has been medically reviewed for accuracy by a qualified medical professional.
Medically Reviewed
Pregnancy is the time period from conception to delivery during which a baby develops in the mother’s womb. For due…
All content on this page has been medically reviewed for accuracy by a qualified medical professional.
Medically Reviewed
Early childhood development includes all the cognitive, emotional, and physical changes a child goes through during the first few years…
All content on this page has been medically reviewed for accuracy by a qualified medical professional.
Medically Reviewed