Depressed, Anxious And Dead Inside…Please Help!
I’m a 23 yr old female. I’ve been housebound since May 2011. I have been seeing a therapist since September but haven’t noticed any improvement. I am not on any medication. I feel dead inside and out of touch with my feelings. I don’t know what my priorities or goals are or what direction I should give to my life and relationships. I suffer from issues of codependency and have been physically, sexually and emotionally abused in the past. I live alone and spend 14 hours a day in front of the TV. Please help! I want to have a life but I don’t know what I can do. Help me.
- Dr. Schwartz responds to questions about psychotherapy and mental health problems, from the perspective of his training in clinical psychology.
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- Always consult with your psychotherapist, physician, or psychiatrist first before changing any aspect of your treatment regimen. Do not stop your medication or change the dose of your medication without first consulting with your physician.
In my experience certain types of behavioral disorders require are more directly involved behavioral intervention than “talking therapy” offers.
Essentially, this is the reason for such treatments as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) as well as Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT). Note the emphasis on the term “Behavioral.”
Therefore, I want to suggest a type of therapy in which the therapist goes to your home,(or sends a paraprofessional) and helps you leave the house and begin to interact with people. This is done not instead in conjunction with CBT or DBT. In fact, this is the type of intervention that is done with those who suffer from the types of phobias that keep them hiding at home for fear of having panic attacks.
The benefit for you of DBT is that it offers a way for you to reduce the tensions and emotions that interfere with your life and thinking. I believe both approaches are best for you. It is also possible that you would benefit from medication, but only your treatment specialists working with you could decide that along with you.
So, to sum up, you will begin to make real progress when you are helped to leave the house but you will need help for that.
Best of Luck
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