Dr. Dina Mendonça, Ph.D

Writer, Reviewer


Dina Mendonça, Ph.D., is a senior researcher at the Instituto de Filosofia da Linguagem and a Senior Research Fellow at Instituto de Filosofia da Nova (IFLNOVA), Universidade Nova de Lisboa. She holds a master’s in Philosophy for Children from Montclair State University, New Jersey, where she was mentored by Matthew Lipman, and a Ph.D. from the University of South Carolina. Her dissertation, The Anatomy of Experience: An Analysis of Dewey’s Concept of Experience, deepened her understanding of John Dewey’s philosophy.

Dina’s current work focuses on a pragmatic analysis of emotion, examining emotions as dynamic and active situational occurrences. Her research, inspired by Deweyan thought, seeks to clarify different approaches to emotions and their associated topics. She plans to create a comprehensive bibliography and research database on the philosophy of emotion. Her specialties include the philosophy of emotions, philosophy for children, and pragmatism.


University of South Carolina
Ph.D., Philosophy
1997 - 2003

Montclair State University
Master in Philosophy of Education, Philosophy for Children
1994 - 1996

Catholic University of Lisbon
Licenciatura, Philosophy
1989 - 1993

Authored by Dr. Dina Mendonça, Ph.D

  • Jan 23rd 2025
  • Est. 6 minutes read
  • Written by Dr. Dina Mendonça, Ph.D