Am I Crazy? Answers To Dispel Your Doubts

Author: Ann Landers Last updated:
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I think that I have a mental illness. I am only 16. I told my mom that I think I need to go to a therapist, but she just thinks that my irritability to little things is an “attitude”. My mom is a nurse and she’s scaring me. If I don’t get help could I get worse? I get depressed over little things or nothing at all. What is wrong with me? How do I get my mom to get me help before I get worse?

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Seeing a therapist can help you become less affected by trivial things. If you have only told your mother once or twice that you would like to see a therapist, I suggest telling her again, so that she knows you are serious. Also tell her why you want to see a therapist because she may not know why. If you cannot get her to understand, there are often school psychologists (this is different than a guidance counselor) that you can talk to for free, or community mental health centers in most areas. Looking in the phone book will help you locate them. They are often free too and can help you if your mother remains resistant. Hope this helps, – Anne

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