Mandy Kloppers
Mandy has been working in the mental health field for more than eight years and has worked with a diverse group of clients. These range from people with learning disabilities, the elderly suffering from dementia to mentally ill patients detained in medium and high secure units. Whilst working at Broadmoor Hospital, Mandy dealt with female clients who suffered from personality disorders. After that, she moved to a medium secure unit where she administered psychometric tests such as the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, the Wechsler Memory Scale as well as personality psychometrics such as the Millon test.
Working for The National Probation Service was an extremely interesting job involving rehabilitating offenders. The added challenge of working with clients who were resistant to therapy laid down good grounding for Mandy’s private practice which she has now been running for almost two years.
Mandy writes various articles on mental health subjects, (a list of which is available on her website) and also had a book published in 2004 titled Destination Delinquency? which is available on This book covers personal development and how to overcome limitations in life.
Skype therapy sessions are available. For more information, please consult Mandy’s website at or her blog at