MY Son Said He Hears Voices And Whispers
Just this morning my son who is 7 years old told me that he hears voices and whispers. The discussion came up when he told his sister to stop making fun of him and she had not said a word. Then I asked him why he doesn’t listen when he is told to do something and he said that the whispers where too loud. My son also has gotten very bad migraines in the past. What should I do?
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In my opinion, you should bring your son to his pediatrician as soon as possible. He needs to be fully examined and evaluated. There are many things that can cause auditory hallucinations. It does not sound as though this is any kind of secret or imaginary playmate. The Pediatrician should order a full examination of your son, including a neurological examination as I am sure will happen.
There are many things that can cause a 7 year old to have this type of experience. The potential problems can range from his experiencing a fall and hitting his head all the way to a nerve or brain problem and to sinus and ear problems and finally to a psychiatric condition. At the moment it is silly to speculate because we have no way of knowing why this is happening. What we do know is that the whispering scares and distracts him.
Good luck and let’s hope this is a minor and passing problem.
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