Pornography Consumption and Anxiety Disorders

Author: Lesley Wirth Medical Reviewer: Dr. Jesse Hanson, Ph.D. Last updated:

How does porn affect anxiety? Pornography has become more socially acceptable, but its impact on anxiety has become a growing area of concern.

Why do people watch pornography?

For many people, pornography serves as an outlet to help them cope with the challenges of daily life. Whether it is used for escapism, emotional avoidance, mood enhancement, sexual pleasure and excitement, or because of a fear of intimacy in real-life relationships, the consequence can outweigh the benefits [1].

Exploring the motives behind porn use helps shed light on the psychological drivers that keep people hooked, offering a deeper understanding of the patterns that fuel consumption.

1. Escapism

Escapism is a method of self-distraction designed to help an individual avoid life’s realities.
Whether a person is lonely, seeking reprieve from relationship troubles, or dissatisfied with life as a whole, pornography consumption can provide an opportunity to escape into fantasy.

2. Emotional Avoidance

When emotions become overwhelming, and a person is unable to self-regulate, pornography can help them avoid the intensity of their current psychological state. However, the short-term gain a person experiences ultimately stops working, leaving them unable to meet their needs in the same way moving forward. This often results in confusion, and a drive to consume more porn in an effort to obtain the relief it once provide

3. Mood Enhancement

Some people turn to pornography in an attempt to improve their mood. However, as already stated, over time the positive feelings associated with porn use begin to dwindle. This process is similar to the unhealthy cycle that develops in heavy drinkers, where what initially starts as relief from the numbing effects of alcohol eventually becomes a form of bondage.

4. Sexual Pleasure and Excitement

For many people, pornography provides sexual pleasure and excitement on demand. As a person consumes more porn, they eventually become desensitized to it, which results in seeking out more aggressive forms of pornography to achieve the same climactic experience [2]. This need for a greater stimulus can also motivate people to watch videos they once would have described as “disgusting.” Consuming content that is aggressive or unethical, quickly results in a negative self-image, which actually can drive people to consume more porn [3].

5. Fear of Intimacy

Fear of intimacy most frequently stems from previous trauma, attachment issues, or betrayal. In some cases, viewing pornography may provide the viewer with a sense of pleasure and a pseudo connection with another person. As more porn is consumed, real-life relationships often suffer, creating a self-fulfilling prophecy.

The exact motivation behind why a person would consume pornography varies, yet a common theme is the desire to change the present moment. For some, it is a way to disconnect from their emotions, while for others it is an attempt to boost their mood by seeking heightened sexual pleasure or excitement. Regardless of the exact motivating factor, pornography can quickly become a maladaptive coping strategy that ends up creating an unhealthy cycle of dependence.

Given porn use has increased over recent years, and behavioral health issues are on the rise, understanding the psychological effects of watching pornography on anxiety disorders is critical in the mental health field.

The psychological effects pornography consumption

With pornography’s increased prevalence in today’s society, mental health professionals have become particularly concerned with the impact of pornography on mental health. Understanding how it impacts anxiety, depression, and emotional distress overall, leads to a more comprehensive approach to psychological care.

  • Anxiety Disorders: If a person struggles with severe anxiety, it is normal to want to do everything possible to lessen its impact. The feelings of pleasure, along with the stress reduction that can result from masturbating to porn, leaves many people relying on it for a quick fix. The challenge with this behavior is that it eventually impacts chemical messengers such as norepinephrine, serotonin, and dopamine [3]. Once this takes place, anxiety symptoms can increase, and people are often left feeling like their life is more unmanageable than before.
  • Depression: Feelings of depression can be pervasive and all-consuming. In these instances, pornography can become an easy go-to solution, just as it is for those who suffer from anxiety. The rush of pleasure from visual and sexual stimulation releases dopamine and can momentarily elevate a person’s mood, alleviating feelings of emptiness. Over time, dopamine stores can become depleted, exacerbating depressive symptoms.
  • Emotional Distress: Emotional distress stems from feeling flooded by negative emotions. If a person does not have the capacity to process their uncomfortable feelings, they are at an increased risk for using unhealthy coping strategies to self-soothe. Pornography’s ability to provide even a small sense of relief has made it alluring to people.

Whether it is anxiety, depression, or emotional distress as a whole, porn consumption as a method of distraction has harmful and long-term consequences.

Pornography consumption as a coping mechanism for anxiety

The effects of watching porn on anxiety presents a two-way challenge. Uncomfortable emotions lead people to seek out ways to reduce their pain or improve their mood, while porn use over time exacerbates negative emotions. While this understanding is simplistic in nature, using porn as a coping mechanism complicates the situation.

Once an individual creates a dependence on pornography, they quickly deviate from healthy coping strategies. This results in psychological and emotional numbing, and a subconscious pairing between stress and porn use. At this point, it’s common to reach for sexually explicit material without being consciously aware of what is happening mentally, emotionally, or physically.

Additionally, the behavioral effects of pornography consumption can escalate into significant personality changes such as dominance over others, violence, submission, and promiscuity [4]. Once this takes place, porn is no longer just a coping mechanism for anxiety. It is now a harmful and destructive force in someone’s life.

Self-awareness and its role in managing pornography consumption

Porn’s impact varies, yet almost all situations benefit from practicing self-awareness and mindfulness techniques. By slowing down and intentionally paying attention to the thoughts, feelings, and sensations that precede reaching for porn, a person has the chance to address the root of their issues.

Bringing conscious awareness to what was previously unconscious is especially helpful given pornography exposure and psychological confusion contribute to brain fog and a sense of being disconnected from reality. Self-awareness brings people back to their body and what is happening in real time. By identifying triggers, monitoring emotional reactions, and breaking automatic reactions, people improve their ability to meet their needs in a healthier way [5].

Strategies for addressing pornography consumption and anxiety

While self-awareness is important, it is not the only step needed for ongoing success. Individuals may also need support in developing positive self-talk, empathy for self and others, improved social skills, and the ability to stay motivated when challenges arise.

Laying a solid foundation by ensuring adequate sleep, proper diet, regular movement, and spending time in healthy interactions is essential. Additional steps include looking online for support groups, confiding in a trusted friend or family member, participating in activities that bring a sense of fulfillment, and reaching out to a therapist for professional help.

Professional help for pornography consumption and anxiety

Strategies for addressing porn addiction vary depending on the philosophy of the provider. The most common types of therapeutic intervention include psychodynamic therapy, acceptance and commitment therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, and psychopharmacological medications [3].

1. Psychodynamic Therapy

Psychodynamic therapy involves becoming more aware of your unconscious thoughts and behaviors, while learning how to apply healthy coping strategies in the place of unhealthy patterns. In the case of pornography, psychodynamic therapy helps individuals identify the unresolved traumas and emotions from their past that may be fueling their porn addiction.

2. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

Acceptance and commitment therapy is an action-oriented approach to therapy that focuses on mindfulness, attention to personal values, and behaviors that align with someone’s value system [3]. Given porn consumption can trigger deep feelings of shame in people, this form of therapy can help reduce self-loathing and create more space so deeper healing can take place.

3. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive behavioral therapy addresses unhealthy ways of thinking, feeling, and behaving, while teaching new skills in an attempt to disrupt thought patterns and create new outcomes [3]. Individuals who suffer from uncontrollable urges related to porn use, often find behavior change difficult. This style of therapy helps them learn skills they can use at home in real-time as triggers arise.

4. Medication

Porn and anxiety symptoms may overlap, and some medications can address both the behavioral aspect and the mental health concern concurrently. Psychopharmacological drugs can be prescribed by a licensed psychiatrist, and oftentimes are most effective alongside therapy [3].

5. Holistic Solutions

Today, many people are looking for more natural, holistic solutions that allow them to avoid medications. In these instances, working with a professional who views anxiety and depression as a symptom of unprocessed emotions, instead of a diagnosis that can only be fixed with pills can be very fruitful. Practitioners often have suggestions that include lifestyle modifications, diet suggestions, supplementation or herbal protocols, and spiritual practices designed to help people find faith in their recovery

While there is no single right way to manage anxiety and treat porn addiction, it can be extremely helpful to create a sense of personal agency from the beginning by looking for a treatment path that aligns with one’s personal ethics and goals for recovery.

  1. Privara, M., & Bob, P. (2023). Pornography Consumption and Cognitive-Affective Distress. The Journal of nervous and mental disease, 211(8), 641–646.
  2. National Center on Sexual Exploitation. (2022, January 24). Studies Show Pornography Changes the Brain. NCOSE.
  3. Donovan, J. (2022, September 4). Pornography Addiction: Why Pornography Is Addictive? WebMD.
  4. Mehmood Qadri, H., Waheed, A., Munawar, A., Saeed, H., Abdullah, S., Munawar, T., Luqman, S., Saffi, J., Ahmad, A., & Babar, M. S. (2023). Physiological, Psychosocial and Substance Abuse Effects of Pornography Addiction: A Narrative Review. Cureus, 15(1).
  5. Menefee, D. S., Ledoux, T., & Johnston, C. A. (2022). The Importance of Emotional Regulation in Mental Health. American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine, 16(1), 28–31.
Author Lesley Wirth Writer

Lesley Wirth is a health and wellness writer with 8+ years of clinical experience in mental health, trauma care, and end-of-life support.

Published: Jan 17th 2025, Last edited: Jan 23rd 2025

Dr. Jesse Hanson, PhD
Medical Reviewer Dr. Jesse Hanson, Ph.D.

Dr. Jesse Hanson, Ph.D., is a somatic psychologist with over 20 years of experience. He holds a PhD in Clinical Psychology from The Chicago School of Professional Psychology, specializing in somatic and neuropsychology, as well as a master’s degree in Clinical Psychology from the Santa Barbara Graduate Institute.

Content reviewed by a medical professional. Last reviewed: Jan 17th 2025
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